Legionnaire Notebook of Handwritten PoemsTranscribed and translated

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Aizgājušiem karavīriem
Kad draugu pavadam uz dzimteni,
Tad, Dievs, Tev piesaucam par ceļvedi,
Tev tekas zinamas
Mums tās tik minamas
Kā kopā virpas ies,
Kā šķirsimies?
Gan kopā sāktais ceļš vēl ejams bij'
Lai cīņu grūtumus reiz laime mij
Bet Dieva lēmums tāds
Ka ceļš Tev nostaigāts
Tu pēd'jo gaitu sāc.
Kungs līdzi nāc!
Tad ej ar Dievu, draugs, un atdusi
Iet līdz Tev sapnis jauks par dzimteni
Mēs tagad sķīramies
Bet tad reiz tiksimies
Kad jā'tstāj cīņu lauks
Kad Dievs mūs sauks
1944.g. 12. maijā
To Soldiers Gone
When we send off our departed friend to our native land,
Then, Lord, we call you to his side as guide.
Every path is known to You
While we can only guess
How together our lathes[1] will turn
How we'll part?
Tho' the road begun together could still be trod
Til the woes of battle turn yet to Fortune
No, God's judgement was thus
Your road is journeyed to its end
You start your final course.
The Lord be with you!
Then go with God, my friend, and rest eternal
The joyful dream of our native land attends you.
Now we part
But will yet meet again
When comes the time to quit the battlefield
When God summons us
May 12, 1944

[1]"Virpa" is also the name of the lathe-style peeler where the potato or apple is inserted and spun with a crank as it is peeled—for us invoking the imagery of being together in the kitchen or galley, peeling for the communal pot.

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