Legionnaire Notebook of Handwritten PoemsTranscribed and translated

Staburadze also known as Staburags, was an unusually shaped 18-meter (60 foot) high cliff on the bank of the Daugava river which, according to a legend, was a mourning girl that had turned into rock. Water flowing over the edge of the cliff was its tears. The cliff was completely submerged after completion of the Pļaviņas hydro-electric dam in 1965.

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Kam raudi Tu, ak daiļā staburadze
Vai Tavai cietai sirdij vēl kā trūkst
Pie Tavām kājām glaužās vilņu krāces
Un viļņu vilnis Tevim glaimus teic
Ar zelta stariem saule vaigus glāsta
Pie Tavām kājām baltas ievas zied
Un naktīs mēness saulei sapņus stāsta
Zem vaiņaga Tev lakstīgaka dzied
Met savas skumjas dziļā viļņu dzīlē
Tev klintīs kalta cieta cēla sirds
Vai arī Tev par jautru liekās dzīve
Ka Tavās acīs asaras jau mirdz
Es asaras par dzīvi vairāk mīļu
Tās neviļ, neskauž, nedz ar glaimu teic
Es asaras kā svētu dārgu ķīlu
No siržu dziļumiem Tev varu dot
For whom do You weep, oh lovely Staburadze
For what does your hard heart still yearn
The waves break huddling at your feet
And wave upon wave whispers sweet flatterings
The sun caresses your cheeks with her golden rays
The bird-cherries blossom white at your feet
At night, the moon tells dreams to the sun
Under your flower-crown the nightingale serenades You
Toss your sorrows into the depths of the measureless waves
Chiseled in stone is your hard noble heart
Does life seem too joyous to you, too
Being tears glisten, already, in Your eyes?
I love tears more than life itself
They cheat not, envy not, nor do they flatter
As a sacred cherished guarantee
From the depths of my heart I can offer You my tears

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